Political Issues
- AFL-CIO “Protecting and Expanding Democracy” MLK Conference presenter: Philadelphia, PA
- 27th Annual Martin Luther King Jr. Week of Peace Collaborative between Dillard, Loyola, Tulane & Xavier Universities, panelist on “Is Affirmative Action Still Necessary” hosted by MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry
- NAACP Election Eve Poll of African American Voters – President Barack Obama versus Mitt Romney in 2012
- A. Philip Randolph Institute 40th National Education Conference, “An Early Analysis of the Impact of the Obama Administration on Black America and the Role of Black Leadership”: Phoenix, AZ
- “Race, Economics & Politics” Does One Affect the Other, National Black MBA Association, INC. – New Orleans Chapter
- Election Day Review – 2008 Presidential Campaign, National Coalition of Black Civic Participation: Washington, D.C.
- National Coalition on Black Civic Participation: Washington, D.C.
- National Black Student Bar Association: Detroit, MI.
- State Innovations Retreat on Strategies and Communication: Santa Fe, NM
- AFL-CIO: After Katrina and Rita: Challenges in Louisiana Politics
- National Black Caucus of State Legislators – “After the Storm: Housing Opportunities and Challenges in the Gulf Coast”: Fannie Mae Headquarters, Washington, D.C.
- US Action Education and Leadership Conference – ”The Katrina Effect - Reprioritizing Voices, Values and Policies”: Washington, D.C.
- Congressional Progressive Caucus – ”The Katrina Effect - Reprioritizing Voices, Values and Policies”: Washington, D.C.
- Congressional Black Caucus – ”The Katrina Effect - Reprioritizing Voices, Values and Policies”: Washington, D.C.
- One of the pollsters for the presidential campaigns of Clinton-Gore, Gore-Liberman, Kerry-Edwards and Occupy the Vote.
- American Federation of Teachers (AFT) – “Making our Values Count: Advancing Equality, Education, and Economic Security in Challenging Times – Moral Values, Politics and the Faith Factor”: Minneapolis, MN
- Knight Center for Specialized Journalism – “Race and Ethnicity”: University of Maryland
- Congressional Black Caucus Foundation – “Polls and Studies: What They Reveal About African Americans”: Washington, D.C.
- Democratic National Committee Retreat – “Midterm Elections Strategies”: Las Vegas, NV
- Congressional Black Caucus Foundation – “Building Black America on Big Ideas”: New Orleans, LA
- Mayor’s Emergency Economic Summit Rebuilding the New Orleans Economy after the Terrorist Attacks
- Democratic National Committee, Wintergreen Retreat
- Joint Center for Political Studies - Seventh National Policy Institute, Washington, D.C. “Campaign Strategies”
- Our Voices, BET Television, “The 1992 Presidential Race”
- National Urban League, Regional Conference, “The Political and Social Impact of African-American Migration to the South”: Birmingham, AL
- National Bar Association, May 1990 – Continuing Legal Education Program - “Voting Rights Litigation and Judicial Elections in Region V”: New Orleans, LA
- Institute for International Affairs, Training for political parties identified by the Republican National Party. Port-au-Prince, Haiti
- National Women’s Political Caucus, “Women in the Electorate”: Atlanta, GA
- American Association of Political Consultants - “Polling and Politics”: New Orleans, LA